Maeraki Rewards Program T&Cs
Maeraki Rewards Program Terms and Conditions
Maeraki Rewards Terms are effective as of April 2023 and may be added to or amended from time to time.
By opting in to Maeraki Rewards Program you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Maeraki Rewards Program set out here in and our Privacy Policy. Please read these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy carefully before you use and/or opt in to the Program. Refer to our Privacy Policy for more details regarding the use of your personal information and opt out procedures.
Participation and Membership
Maeraki Rewards Program is only open to customers of with a registered account who are 18 years of age or older at the time of registration.
Radiance points earned in Maeraki Radiance Rewards may be redeemed only for purchases made via
Any transactions by another customer at cannot be transferred to a different customer for someone else to obtain Radiance points.
Radiance Points
Purchases on our online store will earn you points provided you use the email address associated with your Maeraki account and are logged in to your account at the time of purchase.
Maeraki Rewards Program excludes returns, refunds and delivery charges. Radiance points are not transferable, cannot be re-used, refunded or redeemed for cash. Radiance points may have a limited timeframe to be used where the points will expire 12 months after the last order was placed and fulfilled on the account
Maeraki reserves the right to change points balances if it believes someone is unfairly accumulating points not within the rules set out in the terms and conditions. When you return a good purchased from Maeraki, an adjustment is also made to the Maeraki Rewards account in the amount of the reimbursement granted.
Change of details
You should ensure that your details in Maeraki Rewards Account are up to date. Maeraki is not responsible for any incorrect details which may result in you not obtaining the benefit of rewards communication, gifts or benefits. You may also email Maeraki to make changes to your account details.
Maeraki may immediately terminate your participation in Maeraki Rewards Program without further notice if you:
- have breached these Terms and Conditions;
- have engaged, or may engage, in fraudulent conduct, or conduct that is suspected to be fraudulent, in relation to Maeraki, Maeraki Rewards Program or your Customer file;
- have engaged in inappropriate conduct that undermines the reputation or legitimate interests of Maeraki;
- have supplied or are attempting to supply false or misleading information to Maeraki
Where your right to participate in the Maeraki Rewards Program is terminated, any benefits, rewards and rights you may have at that time under Maeraki Rewards Program shall thereby terminate.
Your participation in the Maeraki Rewards Program may be terminated by either Maeraki or yourself by providing the other party with at least 30 days written notice.
Maeraki may change or modify any rules, regulations benefits or conditions of participation by posting the modified rules and post the changes on Maeraki Rewards Program page.
Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions, and your participation in Maeraki Rewards Program, is governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia irrespective of where the application for your client file has been completed. In any action or other legal process with respect to any matter or thing in connection with these Terms and Conditions, and your participation in Maeraki Rewards Program, you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in the State of Victoria.